Tuesday, September 1, 2009

You Like Me?!!

To paraphrase Sally Field: they like me.  They really like me.  I hadn't imagined that it would work this way.  I faithfully followed the directions of that 20-something social network dude, but I was a skeptic. 

I saw Julie and Julia.  I identified with Julia, having once been an American living in France, finding my way around, discovering new delectables.  Being a bit of a foodie, I loved watching her discover her talents and make her own way.  As a self-professed sap, I found the Julia portion of it cute and utlimately uplifting in its happy-ending way.

But as a Tech Newbie, I identified with the scene where her mother is the only one reading her blog and commenting on it, saying something akin to "Are you still wasting your time on this?" (see the "reluctant tech family" blog)  My own Dear Mommy rolled her eyes and guffawed when I mentioned blogging and Twitter. 

But, damnit, this is the wave of the business future, right?  So I've been Tweeting things that I find interesting.  Little tidbits I come across; things that are relevant to my neighborhood, my business, my listings.  And guess what?  People are starting to follow me.

I guess this social networking is like being at a cocktail party.  Except that you don't get the immediate gratification of knowing that someone is interested in what you have to say by watching their facial expressions.  So, thanks, my follower/friends!  As long as your listening, I'll keep tweeting.